Hi, my name is

Edward Brito.

I create visually pleasing interfaces for the web.

I am a Full-Stack web developer having experience in web applications with React.js and Next.js with TypeScript and TailwindCSS and Next.Js and ExpressJs.

see my resume

what i do

full stack development

  • Building responsive static websites using Next.js
  • Building responsive Single Page Apps in React.js
  • Building RESTful APIs in Express and NestJs

My education

Systems engineering

August 2019 - present

  • Analysis and design of systems and database
  • Networks
  • Full Stack Development: Software Engineering

where i've worked

Full-Stack Developer @Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos - APAP

April - Present

  • Full-Stack Developer

my projects

what's next

get in touch

Whether you have a project to discuss or just want to say hi, my inbox is open for all!

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